Being grateful

Living in the moment

Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.” – Rumi

7th January 2023

This is the fourth time since we got married that we’ve moved countries. We’ve also moved within each of the countries we’ve lived in and I moved once back to Hong Kong and once to China. So you’d think we’d be old hands at this game.

But change is usually hard and this move has been our hardest move yet and not just because we have accumulated even more stuff and because moving is more physically challenging as you get older.

We’ve lived in Bahrain for 20 and a half years and in Villa No.3 Lamia Gardens for almost 12 years. It’s the place we’ve lived the longest and it’s been particularly hard to uproot ourselves this time because that lovely house really became our home.

It has been so painful to watch our home being taken apart and packed up but here we are at the other end of that process, grateful to be alive and reasonably well and in Bangkok.

Back in Bangkok

It’s been good to find Bangkok pretty much the way it was pre-pandemic, at least at first impression. There are some people still wearing masks here and there but the traffic is just as bad as it ever was and that charming controlled Asian chaos is everywhere in evidence.

Power lines proliferate to light up this energy hungry city.

This city has faced many tough challenges but life goes on undaunted; children are born and grow up.

2 thoughts on “Being grateful”

  1. We have been nomads practically since we met you twelve years ago. We have lived in 6 houses and every one has felt like home because Home is not a building. Home is what you make it, it’s the people who surround you. You’ll feel at home again before too long.

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